Sunday 31 March 2013


     The main character in English Vinglish is Sashi...a traditional indian housewife that willing to spent her whole life with her family...
     Sashi is a very sensitive person, she cares everything about her family members but they take her for granted....She love her family members eventhough they dont understand how small little things can bring huge effect on a person life....I remember that she said "how to teach a person to be sensitive", for a sensitive people like her, most of the time she expect too much and yet she gain the least....or maybe she put too much effort and gain nothing at last...
     Besides, Sashi is also a brave housewife...she went to US alone without the ability to speak fluent english. After she faced many obstacles in US, she started to join English class, and there is when her fate had changed.... Due to her determination, she turned from a normal indian housewife to a woman that had the ability to communicate with english, from zero to hero, that is the main point of the story i think....
     At the end of the movie, Sashi said that "Family is a place you gain respect ". People misunderstand and underestimate us, but never give up on our family, it is not easy to built up a strong bond between family members...Tolerate is the key for a family to live happily ever after...
    After watched English Vinglish, i realised that Love is not an easy task even with our family members....but love is the one that makes our world beautiful....So, cherish the one we love before we regret...


     There is a border between FORGIVE and FORGET, and i always pace back and forth between this two situations...
     We need to FORGIVE a person before we can FORGET. If we cant FORGIVE, what they did, might hunt us for years(0_0), nightmares....But, to FORGIVE a person, we need courage, and yet this is the most difficult and challenging part before we cross the border to FORGET...
     First, we will struggle, whether to forgive or not....Such as :
1) do they deserve our forgiveness???
2) why i should do so when im the victim???
3) even if im the one who forgive, will they appreciate???
4) can i just skip this step???
5) it is necessary ???
Hmmm, im a Christian, and i will choose to forgive for God so love the world that he gave his beloved son to us....We should love our enemies....(It reminded me when i almost fall apart or when i dont have enough faith)
     Then, we will think about how to forgive....Love can be expressed in 5 ways :
1. Words of encouragement
2. Physical touch
3. Gift giving
4. Quality time
5. Act of service

(Well, im not going to explain one by one, you can try to google it )
The reason i relate love and forgiveness is because forgive is a action to show that how much we love. So, choose the best way to express yourself...right approach will leads us to a better result...There is a chinese quote said that "forgive yourself by forgiving others".
     Finally, we can cross the border and enter FORGET...Forget about how much it hurt, forget about how much we sacrificed....FORGET is a place to clear all our bad memories....just like how we format our computer...Delete those unwanted parts, repair the broken parts and renew some old accessories...
     After we prepare ourself, leave FORGET and start a whole new life without hesitation, step out confidently, show how strong we are, dont let the past becomes a burden for us to live a better life...
      HUH~~so surprised that i expressed my opinion here....While im writing this post, im reminding myself to be forgiving....I reminded you too right??hope so~~^^

Friday 29 March 2013


     OK, I'm addicted to blogging now....I will view my blog everyday, edit my post, try my best to make it perfect(maybe not), but i think a blog is successful if the Blogger able to express their own feelings...
      I'm not going to share my true feelings here as i think that this is going to be a disadvantage for me....people love to stalk(Me too!!!^^), and my blog is not going to fulfil their desire....they might not get any useful informations here...I hope that YOU are not the one....


     Friday, a day to relax, a day to express, a day to communicate with myself. After accumulate everything until Friday, it is the time to get rid of bad mood, bad habits, and also bad temper....
     Friday, a day to sleep, a day to be myself, a day to have my own privacy...i do have secrets sometimes, and i believe that some secrets should keep it to myself as secret will only be secret when no one knows. Friday had become the day to review all this secrets, analyse it and make a choice, whether to throw it or keep it....
     They said silent is a girl loudest cry...Yup, i agree with it, as this is the best way to reduce conflict and give ourself a chance to figure out what to do and what shouldn't. There might be a small portion of people that don't understand us, Nvm...just be ourself, don't ever influence by others judgement...The biggest task for a girl is to be brave and confidence to go through all circumstances before we meet our Mr. Right...
     So, what so special about Friday? Hmmmm, that's one of the secret that i wan to keep it to myself.....
     Last, just want to remind my readers, never ever think that you understand me well through my blog, you never know what I'm thinking if i never reveal.....
     That's all for today.....enough for such a tiring Friday.....

Thursday 28 March 2013


Ooppss!!!Its me!!!Newborn blogger...
About me???
- Ordinary girl having a big dream....
- have a sweet smile^^
(they said so...)
- Cute?maybe....
- love to share photos rather than blogs
(photos speak a thousand words, but only the photographer know the story behind every photo....that is how memories created...)
- I'm Scorpio

Well...I'm not good in writing blog....and i hate writing long essay...
Will update when I'm free ...

Wednesday 27 March 2013

My First Post


     This is my very first post.....hehe....
Say Hi to Blogspot, Say Hi to Blogger, Say Hi to Everyone .....

WELCOME to Serenity~~~~
My whole new world.....