Saturday 20 July 2013


     What is luck?

     Im born to be lucky, at least most of my friends said so......i get what i want since baby.....healed from duplex kidney, pass my exams with flying colours, enter my dream school, and now i get my dream course......everything goes smoothly......
     I enjoy the luck that God gave it to me, but i never depends on glad that im the lucky star, as when i pray for what i want, God always help me to realised .....maybe that is the life that God wanted me to live a real testimony for my friends......i always remind myself that god will only help those who help themself, luck is just a special gift that will gone someday, im just have to make sure im walking on the right path and god will lead me through all circumstances.......
     Behind all the luck that i had, i felt sorry for my friends, sorry for not sharing my luck, as sometimes i dont even know why there is so much difference between me and my friends, i really wish that we can have the same not good in counselling actually, but im good in giving rational advices......When my friends cant get what they want, and i get it, i felt sorry, sorry for dont know how to comfort them, sorry for cant share the same feelings with them, but believe me, i will include them in my prayer, the only way to help them i think......

This post is about my feelings after the upu result is out.....
CHEERS!!!my friends, im there with you guys......


  1. Maybe will stop by kl one day leh....hehe.....or u visit sabah.....
